Thursday, February 12, 2009

Blogging or Jobbing - A bus driver's dilemma?

So I was driving to school last wednesday, listening to the Beat 94.5. They were going on about their usual sex-related antics and to my surprise they had a guest speaker, one Michael Cox who had come on-air as a guest speaker. He was a bus driver employed by the Coast Mountain Bus Company. Note in the last sentence, he "WAS" a bus driver. 

So apparently, like any average Joe, he started up a blog about his life as a bus driver on his personal time just so he could share what it was like to be a bus driver. The blog was originally intended for his close family and friends, but to his surprise, many people began following his blog and reading up on his daily adventures! Coast Mountain caught wind about his blog "Short Turns"and one day called him in to the office and fired him claiming that the content on his blog was offensive and negative to the company!

In my perspective, all I have to say to Coast Mountain is ... DEAL WITH IT! You had a golden opportunity to encourage a worker and for him to write great blogs with a growing customer fan base! Its excellent PR and really 360 feed from workers to customers! Now instead of making the best of it, you fired a great employee, in trade for what? A bunch of bad press.

I just feel sorry for the guy... but I guess this goes to show, free speech (even on the internet) isn't overrated. 

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